Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)
Division of Patient Services

The Cincinnati Children’s Center for Simulation and Research (CCCSR) is the leader in innovative pediatric healthcare simulation education, patient safety, research, and systems integration. The center’s aim is to promote the most up to date evidence based practice in order to provide the safest and highest quality of care. This is accomplished through experiential learning utilizing innovative and immersive technologies, including human patient simulators, digital experience (virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence), and task trainers. Annually, the center has over 90 active courses, servicing more than 5,000 interprofessional learners.


Understanding the Problem

The Live Well Team spent time familiarizing ourselves with the existing CPR toolkit and process of CPR certification. We benchmarked relevant training tools and games that could potentially be leveraged to create an engaging and fun way to learn the information and skills. The team conducted interviews with CPR instructors, IDD learners, a parent, and a special education interventionist to build a deeper understanding of the needs of all potential audiences and users. The team also explored graphic styles and treatments for the toolkit to ensure it was inclusive, engaging, and could be easily understood. We sent a sample survey out to the different user groups to collect feedback early on. We focused on developing one selected style for all elements in the kit. Together, all of this research helped to further inform our development and prototyping of the toolkit. 



Developing A Style

The team held brainstorming sessions to explore possibilities for the toolkit. After, the team narrowed the ideas into twelve initial concepts. These concepts were visualized in the form of sketches, organized into the categories “no-tech, low-tech, and high-tech”, and shared with the Children’s team for detailed feedback. Based on the feedback, we selected the most promising and relevant parts of the concepts, created a bank of these ideas/parts, and used this bank to piece together three “remixed” concepts. The goal of the remixes was to create concepts that varied greatly from one another to cover a wide range of ideas. We made physical prototypes of these concepts and held digital co-creation sessions. 


Telling the Story

The team did another round of prototyping to create a single refined model before completing the final kit prototypes. Both the LWC team and CCHMC team conducted final rounds of co-creations with IDD learners using this refined prototype. From these sessions, the team made decisions to rework the board game path style and make minor changes to the game cards, AED, and manikin to increase comprehension. The team met with vendors to discuss prototype cost and finalize the materiality of the kit’s different elements. Much of the refinement phase was spent designing and finalizing the graphics for all of the components and finalizing the prototype game play. 

CPR Toolkit Case Study

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