2020 Fast Company Awards

Through a partnership between Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) and the Live Well Collaborative, a three-step device, named the ADL 1-2-3 device, was created to encourage patients to follow three Activities of Daily Living: bathing, getting out of bed, and practicing oral care to reduce the risk of Bloodstream Infections in pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant patients.

The ADL 1-2-3 device is the first automated device to use an electronic system to improve ADL adherence and, more importantly, to use operant conditioning to improve ADL adherence in pediatric patients. We believe that this tool will have a dramatic effect at improving ADL adherence, and will significantly reduce complications of poor adherence through gamification, staff-to-patient interactions, and increased understanding.


Fast Company Awards

The most innovative health projects of 2020